How do I reorganise items in my budget?

In this article you'll find a guide on how to reorganise items in your project budget.


You can reorganise the structure of your cost headings, subheadings and line-items within your budget in Planyard. You can change the order of the cost headings and subheadings in any way you want, as well as reorganise the line-items within a cost heading or subheading as desired. However, it’s not possible to move line-items or subheadings between different cost headings in your budget.

Reorganise Cost Heading

To reorganize your cost headings, click the three dots on the far right of the top row that reads 'Project Total', then click 'Reorganize top-level items'. You will now be shown an overview of the current order, where you can rearrange the order by dragging and dropping the components as desired.

The same approach is used when reorganising subheadings or line-items under a cost heading. Go to the far right of the category, click the three dots, and select “Reorganize line-items within the category.” You will then see all items under the category and can reorganise them by dragging and dropping.