How Do I Create a Project Budget Template?

In this article, you'll find information on how to create a budget template that can be used when creating new projects.


In this article, we’ll cover how to add a project budget template. This feature is particularly useful for companies with ongoing projects that involve standardized budget items. By using a template, you can quickly set up budgets for similar projects, ensuring consistency and saving time. Note that you have to have the permission to "Change company settings and integrations" in order to be able to create a template

How To Create A Project Budget Template

Before adding a new Project Budget Template to your company account, please note that you’ll need to fill out the designated template sheet provided by the platform. This sheet serves as the basis for your budget template, allowing you to standardize and streamline budget creation for future projects. Once you’ve completed the template sheet, you can easily upload it to the platform, where it will be available for use in new projects.

To create a new budget template, follow these steps:

  1. Go to ‘Company’ in the top menu.
  2. Select ‘Project Templates’ and click ‘Create Project Template’ in the top right corner. 
  3. A pop-up will appear, allowing you to upload the spreadsheet with your template. From here you can also download the template used for uploading your budget template. 
    1. If you’ve already created your template, upload the spreadsheet.

    2. If you haven’t created your template yet, download the sample, fill it out, and then upload it.

  4. Once uploaded, click 'Create'. 
You have now created a new project budget template that can be used when creating a new project. For a more detailed guide on how to create a new project, refer to this guide.