Edit company profile information

In this article, you will find instructions on how to change the company information.


When creating a new Planyard user account via the Planyard homepage, you will be asked to fill out company information. The company name will be visualised in various places within Planyard, e.g., on purchase orders sent to vendors. In case of spelling errors or if needed for any other reason, the company name, reg code, address and logo can be changed at any time.

In order to change the company information, your user account must have permission to edit company settings and features. If you currently do not have this permission, reach out to your Planyard account owner to amend it.

Change company information

While logged into your Planyard account:

  1. Click 'Company' in the top menu row.
  2. Navigate to 'Settings' at the far right of the company menu row.
  3. You will now see the settings for your company profile. Click on the pen icon in front of the field you would like to edit:
    1. Name: Company name.
    2. Reg. code: Company registration code.
    3. VAT number: Company VAT number.
    4. Address: Registered company address.
    5. Contact phone number: Company phone number.
    6. Contact e-mail: Company email.
    7. Bank name: Company bank, information can be displayed when submitting bids created in Planyard.
    8. Bank IBAN: Bank IBAN number, can be displayed when submitting bids created in Planyard. 
    9. Accounts payable email: Email address generated by Planyard, sending documents (such as invoices) to this email address will automatically upload them to Planyard 
    10. Logo used in documents: You can update the company logo you want used in documents by clicking 'Upload new logo'.
  4. Clicking a pencil icon will trigger a pop-up where you can adjust the information. Click 'Update setting' to save the information. 

Note that only the company name is required in the company settings; however, adding additional information can enhance the professionalism of your Planyard-generated documents.