How do I change company name?

In this article, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to change the company name for a company account


When creating a new Planyard user account via the Planyard homepage, you will be asked to fill out company information. The company name will be visualized in various places within Planyard, e.g., on purchase orders sent to vendors. In case of spelling errors or if needed for any other reason, the company name can be changed at any time.

In order to change the company name, your user account must have the permission to edit company settings and features. If you currently do not have this permission, reach out to your Planyard account owner to amend it.

Change company name

While logged into your Planyard account:

  1. Click 'Company' in the top menu row.
  2. Navigate to 'Settings' at the far right of the company menu row.
  3. You will now see the settings for your company profile. Click on the pen icon on the name row.
  4. Adjust the name and click save.

You have now updated the company account name.

TIP! Note that you can also adjust the company registration code, company address, and company logo from this view.